Re: Interactivity and process
Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 10:18:54 -0400 wrote:
> I do agree that the photograph is a subjective form of art as all art is. It
> is only through our eyes that we visualize what we see. This is different for
> every person. All we can hope is that another can understand our views and
> that there will be some form of comunication between us as the artist and the
> viewer.
> The question is,"If this communication does not occur, is it still valid?" I'd
> like your views on the subject.
It most certainly is valid. Just because the communication does not
occur does not mean that the message is not there. And, sometimes it
only maters that the artist is satisfied or perhaps even satisfied with
their unsatification. " all art is"
Jeffrey D. Mathias