Re: interactivity and process -Forwarded
Luis Nadeau (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 16:49:31 -0400
At 12:41 PM -0600 98/06/18, wrote:
>>>Perhaps I should market my work to trial lawyers, as they seem to
>understand objectivity as well as the rules of evidence.
>I had to laugh at this statement, and not take offense. You
>would be surprised at how often some lawyer has asked if I could print
>something a bit darker or lighter. I once photographed a slip and fall
>scene where I wondered how someone could not see the obstacle because the
>area was so well lit. The lawyer wanted the prints I made darker so the
>obstacle was not so obvious.
Just goes to show: photographs don't lie. Photographers do...
Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada