Re: heat drying (was sol A & B

Carl Weese (
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 07:44:42 -0500


< heat drying *reduces* speed of the emulsion,
<sometimes dramatically. I never did this in pl-pd, however, but would
<expect likewise.

Not that I've seen, with Pt/Pd. There may be a slight change of speed,
but nothing on the order of whole stops, or 5' vs 15'. Heat drying a
Ziatype would reduce its POP speed to zero (no moisture to support POP)
but the differences between hot and cold drying of develop out Pt are
things like smoothness of gradation, presence or lack of grittiness at
different points in the tonal scale, depth and smoothness of dmax. Basic
exposure seems unaffected. The light-sensitive chemistry of iron
sensitizer processes is very different from that of gum so I wouldn't
expect results to be parallel anyhow.

In regard to Jeffrey's point though, humidity, rather than heat (but
they tend to be connected in the real world of procedure) does seem to
have an effect on palladium print solarization. A print heat dried and
exposed immediately is more likely to solarize than one that is cold
dried, _or_ one that is heat dried and then given half an hour in a 60%
rh environment to absorb some moisture from the air.


Working Pictures Press