Josef Sudek

kl (
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 14:35:36 -0800


  Got the "new" Sudek book for Xmas. It's the $125 monster edited by
Anna Farova. Text is horrible, images are amazing. I am quite familiar
with the pigment process that Sudek used, but am curious about some of
the other processes. Namely, what would his working darkroom process
have been? How would he have developed his film (pyro, D-76)? What sort
of paper developers? There is mention made of "tinted" enlarging papers
that he used to make some of his images. What would his choices have
been? DId he tone his images? I have checked all the books in my local
library for this type of info, but without much success. If anyone out
there knows, or knows where I could look, I would be grateful. Happy New
Years to everyone on the list.


WIlliam Linne

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