Richard Sullivan (
Tue, 05 Jan 1999 10:19:41 -0700
The Alternative Photographic International Symposium (APIS) in Santa Fe, to
be held on July 7,8,9,10 is surely going to be a pretty exciting affair.
The keynote address will be at the banquet on Thursday night. The keynote
speaker will be James Enyeart. Enyeart is the Anne and John Marion
Professor of Art at the College of Santa Fe. The Marion Foundation has
funded the Marion Center at the College of Santa Fe of which Enyeart holds
the endowed chair.
Enyeart's previous tours of duty include Friends of Photography, founding
the Center for Photography in Tucson at the University of Arizona, and most
recently heading up the George Eastman House. His wide experience ranging
from community organizations like Friends, to the educational at Center in
Tucson, to research and curatorial at the Eastman House, has provided him
with a unique perspective on photographic education which he will share
with us.
Melody and I took a hard hat tour of the Marion Center a few weeks ago --
in a word -- "knock your socks of!" The facility has been designed from the
ground up with the photographic arts education in mind. You have to see to
believe it. And you will. On Wednesday night (July 7th) there will be a
reception at the Marion Center. You'll get to see this 21st Century
photographic educational facility up close.
You might want to schedule your trip to extend a day or two extra and take
in an opera. Santa Fe has a world class opera and a stunning new opera
house. Check out
We still have plenty of spaces left at the Symposium. We are about half
full at this point.
For more details on the Symposium check out the B+S web site at
Thanks. I hope to see you in Santa Fe.
--Dick Sullivan
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
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