Harald Leban (HLEBANPHOT@compuserve.com)
Tue, 05 Jan 1999 14:10:02 -0500
Nachricht geschrieben von "S. Carl King"
>I wonder if you have any information about Sudek's working procedures for
making pigment prints. I recently obtained a copy of the book Pigment
Prints from the gallery in New York that represents his work and learned
from the introduction that Sudek's pigment prints were in fact carbros, but
there was no other technical information. Is it known what carbon tissue he
used, which bromide paper was used to make the carbros, etc.?
BTW, the asking price for Sudek's pigment prints is in the $25-65K range! I
was interested in buying one, but . . .
Sandy King<
Sorry, but Iīve never seen pigment prints of Sudek.
If they are carbro-prints they could be made from Neotona paper prints - it
should be perfect for this process.
But I donīt know if Sudek has made this carbros - or if itīs only a fine
copy of his contact prints(made by others).
You should contact Klaus Pollmeier - he is a real pigment-print expert
from germany (Drtikol-prints) and he is on this list, too.
I hope this info helps you
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