Once Upon a Time ...

Gene Laughter (glaughter@earthlink.net)
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:35:55 -0500

... Oh, it seems so long ago ...

When reading the Alt Photo list was actually F-U-N. I mean I really
looked forward to reading every post here. There was a true feeling and
spirit of community ... even kidding -- humor yet! People learned from
each other, but laughed a lot too.

A good friend, who was a regular contributor on this list, once said
that when the fun was no more on this list, he was "history." He
unsubscribed this week. Like many of the former contributors on the Alt
Photo list, his attitude developed into "who needs the grief?"

Has this now become a list for splitting hairs, proving micro points and
beating dead horses? Is this now a list with an attitude?

Back to the land of lurkers,


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