Re: Continuous Tone? (was Re: Pt/Pd vs Gum???)

Michael Keller (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:41:34 -0500

I thought continuous tone film was defined as such because it had the ability
to record varying levels of density, ie not solid black and clear whites,
like lith film. A digital negative will be all dots, but all dots will be
equal density and identical shape, but varying size. A TMax neg is clumps of
grain of varying densities, sizes and shapes (although uniformity is
supposedly a recent addition). Variations can be introduced through use of
differing developers and developing techniques. wrote:

> Please, everyone who has an idea about this, define continuous tone. This
> gives a base line for comparison or every other process considered to be
> Continuous, but might not be if you follow strict definitions. Face it,
> black and white film is continuous tone for all intents and purposes.
> RM

Michael Keller
Old + New Media

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