Re: Platinum with color negs

Darlington Media Group (
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 22:18:37 +0000

Pretty wierd would be my guess <g> All of the iron based "Alt processes"
are sensitive to the blue end of the spectrum and therefore the reds and
browns would print very weakly. If you have a Agfa or similar step wedge
handy, that includes colour patches, this would give a good indication of
your likely results. My experience is that the red patch hardly prints out
at all at normal exposures. Still, with the right could be a
worthwhile experiment.

Try it and let us know!

                                Tony McLean.

>I have a bunch of outdated ektachrome 8x10 film that I have been
>cross-processing to get a negative. My question is: How would these negs
>print on platinum or ziatypes? I will be ordering a ziatype kit in the
>near future and would love to print some of these images.
>WIlliam Linne

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