Sandy King (
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 23:21:43 -0400
Hi David,
If you plan to develop sheet film in PMK with rotary processing I would
advise that you use Bostick and Sullivan's Rollo Pyro. Using regular PMK in
rotary processing you will get excessive general stain from developer
Sandy King
o>I may buy a used CPE-2 with 1500 series tanks tomorrow. I remember a
>discussion a while back about the best methods to get proper results
>while using PMK Pyro. I am not on the Interenet so I can't access the
>archives. I have Hutchings book and have read his info but am looking for
>more info. Feel free to contact me offlist so others don't have to watch
>reruns, so to speak.
>David Kern
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