Re: Gum questions.

Hamish Stewart (
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 23:25:03 +0000

>I learned this by the way from a student, who got it who knows where --
>her mother I like to think. Anyway, in my experience, the business about
>thicker gum is better is an error. I nearly always add water if I'm using
>only half the emulsion as sensitizer. A higher ratio of gum is hard to
>coat nicely, dries tacky before you want it to -- at least when printing
>larger than 8x10, which takes longer to coat. The water helps.

I find this interesting Judy. I have never diluted my gum with water -
though I often use more sensitizer than gum/pigment. But your comments
are useful as I have had problems with too thick a coat causing flaking -
with your favourite paper - Bockingford (which I have decided to stop
using forever - :-) ) I will have to give this a go. Sorry for missing it
earlier, but what kind of ratio of water to the gum/pigment are we
talking about here?




Hamish Stewart

Gum Bichromate Photography



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