Larry Gustafson (
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 12:21:25 -0600
At 12:52 PM 1/20/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Carl,
>Guess one way would be to use an inexpensive digital camera (or a video
>camera in conjunction with an AV Mac or Video import card). You could
>easily tape the big neg to a sheet of diffusion material (Roscoe #111)
>and photograph the neg by window light. Of course, if you have a big
>light table so much the better. Heck, I can envision a QuickCam sitting
>on top of the monitor facing your negative on a window behind it. Simple
>and cheap!
> ---snip------
I've used a video camera to proof negatives with fairly good results. I
used a Sony Hi-8 camera with a Snappy video capture. I put the negatives on
a light table and use the "video still" setting on the Snappy. The image the
Snappy software gives you is not that great, so I usually look at the image
in Photoshop. It's a pretty simple and quick way to proof, but the key is
calibration. I always set the video camera to the manual exposure mode,
otherwise the auto exposure will fluctuate between different negatives.
Laurence K. Gustafson
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