jamiehy (jamiehy@pop.globaldialog.com)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:17:25 -0600
I've been using stainless steel trays for certain photo processes as I can
get them made reasonably in odd sizes ( like 10.5x24.5 trays for doing
8x20 negs and 10x24 print from those negs.) It takes up less room and
chemicals.Also I can do cirkut negs with long narrow trays. The local
heating place is kind enough to make them for me for a reaonable price, and
does a great job. Anyway, I want to
do VDB , ziatype, and other processes, and have heard that one should stay
away from the PT/PD processes with metal objects like SS trays. What
processes are safe to use SS trays, and which ones aren't.As the list could
get large, I'm most interested in PT/PD, VDB, cyanotype, and POP, and then
toning as necessary.
Should I stay away from toning processes as well, using the SS trays? What
is the problem that arises ?
Thanks- Jamie Young
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