Re: Scanner selection

Pascal MIELE (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:21:07 +0100 (MET)

> On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Larry Roohr wrote:
> > I own both a Polaroid sprintscan plus film scanner and a Linotype Saphire
> > plus flatbed. The Linotype (Umax clone) does every bit as well density wise
> > as the polaroid, IMO. The only difference is the resolution. If the purpose
> > is 4x5 or larger the 1000 dpi you get with these flatbeds may be more than
> > enough, at much less cost than large format film scanners. The linotype
> > saphire, Umax powerlook 2000, agfa duoscan, and the Microtek model
> > makes the duoscan for Agfa) all use the same scan array and I've heard are
> > pretty equal in performance. Last I looked they were running around $2k if
> ^^^^^
> That's $2000? For flatbed and transparency adapter?
> I'm trying to buy a 35 mm slide/negative scanner, for the Mac. (Please, no
> wisecracks from envious people.) I'm told about an Olympus something or
> other for $369, but haven't yet seen it. (I gather I have to go to the
> dread Web...) But while the topic is on, does anyone know it? Or other in
> that price range? And why the Polaroid is nearly twice the price? (I have
> a flatbed, but gather that's ng for 35 mm to large size, even with
> adapter.)
> However, one thing I learned about flatbeds: The *nominal* scan size and
> actual scan size may not be the same. My Microtek is nominally 8-1/2 by 13
> inches. The largest image I can cover is barely more than 8 by 12-1/2
> inches (20-1/2 by 32 centimeters).
> cheers,
> Judy

I use a film scan Polaroid Sprintscan 35 2700dpi
a flat reflect/trans scan Umax PowerLook II 2400dpi
and a Mac (yes Judy a Mac, you're not alone !)

You can use a flat scan 2400dpi for slides and negs if you have trans back,

I use the Umax for negs larger than 35mm (6x6 etc...) and it's very good
but for 35mm the pola is vey quick, no glass (no dust) and slides (or neg
strip) are easy to align,
on the flat they allways turn and all images are Pisa tower.

For my work 300dpi as final resolution is very good
(with 2700dpi and 35mm you have a 8x10 print)

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