terryroth (terryroth@earthlink.net)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:46:02 -0800
William Laven wrote:
> >Dave,
> >
> >I find that a discussion on the zone system and value placement just as
> >important as some of the listings about scanners and digital negative
> >making. So please continue. Tri-x, HC 110, and platinum/palladium
> >print for 15 to 20 years I might think about some changes.
> >
> > jp2/jpp
> Jan,
> I'm an old Tri-X, HC110 kinda guy, too, but a few weeks ago borrowed an
> 8x10 and headed out with some FP4 and PMK developer. The negs look great.
> I'll get to printing them soon and will let you (and the list) know how it
> went.
> Bill
> ps How did your UCSC class go?
> *************************************************************************
> Workshops and tutorials in Platinum/Palladium printing and Zone System.
> 1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
> 415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)
> wmlaven@platinotype.com
> http://www.platinotype.com
> *************************************************************************
Hi Bill----I am an "old" PMK user, have used it exclusively for about 4
years. It is unparalled in making lovely images of "difficult" subjects,
such as sulit whitewashed walls, sunlit canals in Venice, etc. I use
all 4 of the Ilford family of b/w films, HP5 when I want good speed and
a high stain, Delta 400 for more speed with less overall stain, and
it;'s a tossup between FP4 and Delta 100 for finegrain high-res images.
The internal contrast, or difference between slighly different tonal
values, is best with PMK. Ilford ID-11 ain't bad, but not in the same
ballpark. XTOL and HC-110 are not in the same league.
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