Re: Tween 20 versus Triton X-100
Richard Sullivan (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 08:55:55 -0700
Triton - 100 as best I can determine is a form of polyethylene
glycol and Merck Index says it is a non-ionic detergent, dispersing agent
and emulsifier.
Tween 20 according to our own Sil Horwitz is (pay attention, there
will be a quiz later!) sorbitan mono-9-octadecenoate
poly(oxy-1,1-ethanediyl) or Polysorbate for short. Merck says it is an
emulsifier and dispersing agent for internal medicines. They sound
similar and I am intrigued by the idea of Triton x-100 as there are quite
a few problems associated with the use of Tween. One is that it grows
mold after a while. I'd like to find a good substitute for Tween.
Perhaps Sil H. can jump in, this is his field of expertise.
--Dick Sullivan
At 03:17 PM 1/27/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how to use Triton X-100 for paper coating in
the pt/pd
>process? Is it similar to Tween 20? Do I have to worry about
cross reactions
>between the other chemicals used in the pt/pd process?
>Thank you very much for your help in advance
>Christian Wolf
>Vienna / Austria