Re: Pyro redevelopment

Jacques Augustowski (
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 03:37:45 -0300 (GRNLNDST)

I'm following with great interest this thread about Pyro and density
measurements. How accurate are the readings? Is your densitometer
calibrated? How sure are you about your measurements? I've had three
different readings in three different densitometers, all calibrated as per
manufacturer. With Pyro I just run tests based on trial and error.
Sometimes measurements can be misleading. Films and developers can be
changed by the manufacturers, by storage and a myriad of reasons.
shutters can be more unreliable than the whole processing chain involved
for making a print. I've spent high bucks on gizmos for film , paper and
development apparatus. The only one that paid for itself was a shutter

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