Re: Scanner selection

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 01:17:34 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, Michael Keller wrote:

> B&H Photo Video is having an Internet Special on the Sprintscan 35+ right now:
> $1299. You can check it out at then click on Internet
> specials and hit the Imaging Part 1 option. Also $800 off the Sprintscan 45 Pro.
> We paid $1700 for the Sprintscan + almost a year ago.>

Many thanks to many for scanner facts.. I have clearly been asleep at the
switch & appreciate the update.

Given all this good info, I can hardly settle for low end. The B&H special
(for which info extra thanks) is still about 1K above original plan. But
what the hey.... I think of all the money I saved by staying home doing
email & scanning instead of wearing out my designer wardrobe sashaying
around town...



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