Re: XTOL vs ?
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 13:49:17 -0700

>>In the numerous notes about PMK vs everything else, many have
>>mentioned XTOL. Sometimes, it seems I've tried everything *except* it.
>>Could anyone compare it to D76 or HC110? With Tri-X or anything else?

The problem with this is there is no way to make generalized comparisons
between several different types of developers and a single film. Developers
are compounded to yield different results. For example, fine grain or full
emulsion speed, or degrees of contrast. There is one developer, Selectol,
which was available as Selectol or Selectol Soft. There is no one specific
developer / film combination that works optimally in all situations.

Then there is the ability to make drastic changes in how a specific
developer affects film. For example, Tri-X and Plus-X, when developed in
diluted Microdol-X, will produce the finest possible grain, and yields a
negative that can be greatly enlarged. This has been well known for decades
and is a specific recommendation by Kodak.

The discussion about Pyro developers also leads me to ask why so many
people use it when there are better materials out there. It is interesting
to experiment with, but it is simply not suited to everything. Remember,
Pyro went away for the most part when better materials were developed.

I guess the issue is what one is looking for in their negatives.


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