Re: coated cyanotypes

jewelia (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:05:27 -0800

okay--bear with me--i agree with you here--i don't want to make "crap"
either that lasts 100 years-- but, the dilemma is how do you know really
what is and isn't crap? If it is just you and what you want then can it be
anything else but your own personal "paper trail" (i'll call it instead of
the C-word) and, if so, then, why should anyone else care about it and why
100 years--i won't last near that long. fond memories seem to be good
enough as Kodak memories.

now don't go thinking i'm the enemy, i'm not--i have worked with these
processes quite a good while and think i can almost call myself an artist.
A strong criticism of alt photo is that we are too preoccupied--too
tight--about techniques of mountain climbing to be making art. so we are
put in our little alt closets, make our prints in our own little world of
how-to's, and have a very occassional show once a decade or so, if and when
we are lucky. i am presuming that is the intent of most of us is to make
art--i mean is it really impossible for us to talk about this--to think
about the hard & really important stuff?

I mean these sorts of issues are important to me as an artist...

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