Re: Kodak R-21?

Domenick Mirando (
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 11:04:37 -0500 (EST)

>BTW the chromo-sulfuric bleaches are considered quite hazardous and should
>not be dumped in the sewage system. Years ago in Minneapolis I was told by
local pollution control agency personnel that disposal of hexavalent
>chromium (YELLOW) is a no-no. However, if the bleach were neutralized by
>sodium sulfite 'till it turned a kind of yucky green it was tri-valent and
                                                ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
>was NOT hazardous. Hence I always neutralized my bleach with the clearing
>agent after use before disposal.


I think this is one area of alt-photo that is absolutely hazardous to
its continued use in todays safety regulated society, even with its
groundswell. Once noted, we usually avoid telling anyone for fear of
reprisal. IMO, solving this problem could be the single most benificial
act one could do to for alt-photos' continued health.

Everyone talks about regulations but there seems to be little concrete
information available and we fear going to big-brother to ask for it.

Check out websight:


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