Peter Marshall (
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 17:49 +0000 (GMT)
> > But putting things on the web doesn't stop people doing other things
> > - it just provides alternatives. If some people want to do things
> > other ways as well, then that's no problem. Let's try to be positive
> > about things.
> By all means. I'm glad you've finally come around to that point of
> view.
Finally? I took it from the start, and provided you via the list and by
private mail some comments on PF that would have made good advertising
And don't forget that I was one of the first UK subscribers, sending you
$25 more or less by return as soon as I got my copy of #1.
But just because I'm a fan it doesn't stop me pointing out that you got
some things wrong. Of course as editor it is up to you whether you wish to
correct them. Nor does it stop me suggesting that there are other ways for
us to share information that may be even more appropriate to the list.
Peter Marshall
On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc:
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