Re: Rives BFK

Peter Marshall (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 20:29 +0000 (GMT)

> My paper comes from Daniel Smith in Seattle. I buy it in small
> quantities
> (5) large sheets at a time and cut it down myself so my stuff is new
> about
> once a month. I checked in their catalog and they are marketing "Rives
> BFK"
> and "Rives BFK Heavyweight". They describe the main difference as Hvywt
> having more sizing and (3) deckle edges vs.. (4) on the standard. They
> have
> a website at
> Please advise.
> Fran

It really is worth buying paper in large quantities, both because of the
pretty hefty savings and also so you have consistency in your work.

I don't know how it is in the US, but buying from a paper wholesaler in
reasonable quantities in the UK can bring the price to well under half
that for small numbers of sheets. It's worth getting together with other
paper users to make an order if you possibly can.

When I used to go to an adult education class, I think more or less saved
my class fees by buying the paper through them, as well as enjoying
working with others.

Peter Marshall

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