Re: jewelia just loves paper!

Keith Schreiber (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 00:28:12 -0700

Judy wrote:

... snip
>Incidentally, there's also Rives Moulin du Gue, aka Rives de Lin, which is
>a nice sturdy paper, but much coarser texture than the BFK, too much so
>for my taste, but McDermott & McGough used it for their gum show a couple
>of years back & the prints looked great.

I love the texture of Moulin du Gue. I've tried to figure out how to make it
work for Pt/Pd but so far with very inconsistent results. May get back to it

>I agree with Jewelia, by the way. For just look and feel I like the Rives
>Heavyweight best (probably, I'm NOT very constant in the matter of paper).
>But I suspect that lifting a large sheet of well-soaked paper with tongs
>out of dichromate-y water puts a bigger strain (on a small spot) than
>running it through a press. Or let's say, it gave me trouble, was always
>having the edges tear off, even just in the warm gelatin.

Have you ever tried using a strip of Plexiglas as long as the long edge of
your paper? The wet paper sticks to it and distributes the stress along the
entire edge instead of just the corners. Just light pressure on the ends as
you lift it from the tray. I've done this with prints of about 35 inches
long on thin paper. Works great.


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