The future of film & alt-processes

Darryl Baird (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 10:55:58 -0500

Just when you thought it was safe to try desktop printer negatives,
direst reversal negatives (Lawless), APH lith film for continuous tone,
Burkholder-curve imagesetter negs., or any combination of these along
comes the "real" future for images made on any alternative media of
choice...nanolasers and optical transistors

Quote from the press

> Researchers at Sandia Labs have devised a photonic crystal operat-
> ing at 1.5 microns, the preferred wavelength for light traveling
> down optical fibers [21]. A photonic crystal is to light what a
> semiconductor is to electrons: a building block for an optical
> transistor. Such a device could switch a light beam trillions of
> times per second or could act as a low-power nanolaser.

Hey Dick, since you're near there, why don't you call these folks up and
get them to make a contact-imaging printer that would connect directly
to the computer where you scan the ORIGINAL FILM into Photoshop, adjust
the curves to the necessary scale, and directly output to the sensitized
paper you've just coated. Maybe they could name it "Elwood".

it's a mind-boggling thing


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