garimo (
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 19:07:10 -0800 (PST)
>I have to concur. Judy did a really great job. I am constantly referring
>to the Journal. The sources section alone makes it worth the
>ridiculously low subscription price.
My check is in the mail...But basic the information needed to get the
Journal is:
>Subscription to Post-Factory Photography is $24 (US), for FOUR ISSUES, to
>be published over a TWO-YEAR PERIOD -- two issues per year. That's
>postpaid, first class mail in the US, surface mail overseas.
>Issue # 1 was a "free introductory copy"-- first by bulk mail, then for
>the cost of the first class postage. Now, as supplies dwindle, to keep
>complete sets available as long as possible, Issue #1 is a bonus with
>subscription -- for the cost of the extra postage. This comes to $25.50
>for 5 issues, 1st class mail in the US, surface mail overseas.
>Issue #1 did arrive all over the globe by surface mail eventually,
>although it took nearly three months in a few cases. Therefore, in some
>overseas locations, airmail seems advisable. Extra for overseas airmail is
>$6 for 4 issues, $7.50 for 5 issues.
>Some of you already have Issue #1, which my data base may or may not
>reveal. So be sure to say which issue to begin with. And please INCLUDE
>Check or money order payable to Post-Factory Press, mailed to
>Post-Factory Press
>61 Morton Street
>New York, NY 10014
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