Re: ethyl alcohol

Michael Keller (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 20:42:29 -0500

If, however, you are interested in "the academic uses" of ethanol, there is a
pretty good book available at homebrew stores called _The Lore of Still
Building_. It can be pretty silly, but it explains how to build very small
experimental stills easy and cheap. It also has some pretty political points,
this guy is definitely concerned about the erosion of individual rights!<g> wrote:

> Currently, the head of a household is allowed to make beer and in some
> jurisdictions, wine. The last time I checked, it was 200 gallons per year,
> per head of household. Making grain alcohol is forbid in many places, which
> is why very few homebrewers attempt it. Often, a permit is also required
> as well.

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