Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:07:21 -0700
Are you telling me that some organization, is somehow going to make sure
some standard they create is enforced? There is not an organization I can
think of that eliminates all the problems created by the act of becoming an
organization. Wills get imposed and what starts out as a good idea, over
time, deteriorates.
Are you saying that to exhibit a print the photographer has to have
actually made the print as well? I have a number of images not pulled by
the artist, but significant all the same. Many artists do not make their
own prints. Are they to be excluded?
Who gives a Rat's you know what about "Editioning" Only a few, I suspect.
Who is to say your way is the only way. Eventually, your Organization
decides on a system that others Must use and others grow to hate. There is
no consistency now and there never will be.
I do not trust you to decide for me and I hope you do not trust me to
decide for you. As far as ethical conduct goes, there are many
organizations that on the surface seem to be ethical but underneath, they
are filled with crooks.
As far as an organization enforcing ethical standards such as truth in
advertising, what is wrong with the system we have now. If you sell me
something that is misrepresented, I can come after you. In the past, there
have been situations where some member takes a problem to the main body to
get resolution and because one of the founders of the organization caused
the problem, it was hard to get satisfaction.
In short, we do not need some other group telling the community what to do.
If you find, along with others, some solace in ganging together, fine.
Ain't my affair. but make sure you understand what needs to be done to be
successful. Limiting diversity in the world of ALT is not what is needed.
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