Emulsion formulas X Gum

Joao Ribeiro (jribeiro@greco.com.br)
Wed, 03 Mar 1999 09:43:42 -0300

Hi Judy,

> Charles, have you tried gum printing? You'll never look back...
> If worst comes to worst you can just go out in the yard and dig your own
> pigment. And gelatin is used in so many commercial processes we'll always
> get some kind or other...

  The fun about silver gelatin, at least for me, is that I can print an image in
many different surfaces and it is not done by contact.
I crossed a web site where a guy made a pinhole photo inside an egg (the egg is
camera and film) with liquid light.
I've seen prints made directly on walls and I am now trying to figure out a way
of gluing sand on a piece of canvas (without loosing the sand's texture) to
print on it.
Gum is beautiful, it is too rich and too wide laborious to be easily explored,
so I am saving it for the future (near one I guess) and experimenting with some
more instant things first, but is there a way of taking the gum out of paper and
contact frames? If there is I'd like to try!



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