Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 23:48:55 -0500 (EST)
A couple of months ago I wondered to the list why a print scanned into
Photoshop on my flatbed scanner printed out larger (or smaller, I forget
My plan had been to use that for a mask or negative for an added coat, but
no dice. Someone else at the time said he'd had the same thought, which
didn't work either, and we speculated where the fault lay and if it would
ever be possible.
Measuring an image generated entirely in Photoshop showed that it printed
out precisely, so the fault lay in the scanner -- but where? Now I've
upgraded the scanner software, new version whatever. And guess what? Yes,
a picture scanned in and printed out (from Pagemaker) came out perfectly
right size!
This was a smallish picture, so don't know if larger printout would also
hold, but it looks good. However, I did two versions, one on acetate and
one on paper, there was a *slight* difference between them, presumably the
acetate melted a bit...
But essentially, the news is good: looks to have been the scanner
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