Re: the shape of alt photography & the list & the movie pecker

Judy Seigel (
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 17:42:56 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Brian Ellis wrote:

> Damn! Where are the list minders when you need them? This message wins the award
> (which I hope we start giving) for longest message with least interest to anyone
> except the sender. Brian

Actually, Brian, sorry to say -- the award has got to go to you and Wm
Linne (so far) for sending us 21,114 K plus 22,132 K or a total of 43,246
empty K's so to speak, when you attached the "offending" message, which we
already had, to your complaints, thereby compounding the felony, if such
it was.

The *original* "offense" was only some 7,000 K (as I recall), and somehow
I suspect (tho can't prove) that if it had just been let go without the
display of temper, which I hope I may be permitted to say, rattled me more
than anything else on this list in -- oh, at least 8 days -- the next
000000000's, and however many more yet to come would never have happened.

This is of course a regrettable pattern.... someone steps over some kind
of line (one person's or generally agreed on) and a bystander, how to put
this tactfully?.... reacts more angrily than warranted.

I wonder for instance if William has simply said, perhaps privately ,this
is borderline material & might not be appreciated here, if that would have
worked better. And if we might not all have felt better about the way it
played/plays out?

I for one am always interested in what Jewelia has to say, but perhaps at
that point we could have arranged to get it offlist-- if such was the
consensus. However "destructive" borderline or non-alt messages can be to
the list, this kind of policing is, seems to me, equally destructive.

The threat is that folks will "leave" the list if it gets too diffuse.In
my experience, as many (more?) leave for angry spirit.



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