Re: Help Wanted

Kevin O'Brien (
Sun, 07 Mar 1999 15:21:12 +1300

The Kodak data I have show the typical ortho film, lith 2556, as being
equally sensitised to blue & green light, increasing the speed.

To use filters like variable contast paper requires that the blue sensitive
grains have a different contrast gradient to the green ones. UV is not
transmitted by process lenses and can be disregarded for enlarging. If it
worked like VC paper a magenta filter would regulate the green light and a
yellow filter, blue.

Kevin O'Brien

From: Liam Lawless ...
..a lith emulsion .. is not colour-sensitised..
>The important thing is that I would expect a blue light to affect lith more
>than a magenta light (blue+red) of the same intensity.

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