Steve Shapiro (
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 19:23:44 -0800
Subject: Re: the shape of alt photography & the list & the movie pecker
>Amen to Judy & Jewelia !
>This is a great list.... movie pecker and all!
>Naysayers save yourselves the negative brain drain and enjoy it or
>if you don't like whats happening unsubscribe, use the archive and come
>back later as many of us do.
>Life is too short to spend it bickering in cyberspace.
The Bickerers of Cyberspace ... and He drives an Austin Martin, while She
drives a Honda Carola; both want a better mussel car.
One collects Cyanotypes and the other VDBs.
Both use large format cameras and find themselves making the same picture on
either side of the hill, at the same time. One with the tripod full
extention and the other very low to the ground.
With panoramas, they both shoot into the sun, then pan away; and make their
own prints on 80" print frames.
We admire some of what they do and none of what they say because they're
S :) S
If you don't like it, bracket.
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