Re: UV exposure meter? (fwd)

Cor Breukel (
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 12:05:36 +0100 (MET)

> When you have a minute, take a look at
> [editorial comment: I assume the web page tells what wavelength it
> monitors, and since we know the gist of our wave lengths, that might be
> the story. I surely hope some of the web-aholics on this list will go
> there & report back...]

..guess you were talking to me, amongst others..;-)..
So I took a quick look at there scientific data
( an interesting page)

It looks form the first graph that the spectral sensitivety of their meter
is around 300-320nm, the graph shows a 1000 times less sensitivity around
330-340nm, wavelengths more interesting to us.

So unless the meter is extremly sensitive overall, it is probably not very
usefull, although a real test would be interesting..

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"

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