Experience with the Argotype?

Adam Kimball (akimball@finebrand.com)
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 11:14:58 -0800

Hi all,

A friend is interested (and actually, so am I!) in doing some large images from
high-end digital negs (Scitex, etc) in an alt process. He doesn't want to do
Pt/Pd because of the cost of the metals. So, I suggested he take a look at Mike
Ware's website (URL below, for the search engine challenged) and read about the
Argotype process. He, and I, are interested in giving it a go. However, I
would first like to hear from anyone who has worked with this process, and can
comment (for whatever it is worth) on the process and the results. So, if
you've made an argotype or ten - send me some email. Offlist would be fine.



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