Dave (dpayne@pacifier.com)
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 13:19:33 -0800
I haven't done a lot of Argyrotypes but here is what I found. The tonal range is
fairly short so you must use a high contrast neg to get a decent image. A properly
expose neg that has been processed in a standard way is not going to work well.
Since you are making a digital neg you can probably adjust for this. Argyrotypes are
fun and simple to do. You will have to come up with a large glass rod or equivalent
to coat the paper. Also, don't use the paper type they supply with the kit. get your
paper from the Bostick and Sullivan folks. They sell a really smooth finish hot
pressed paper that is much better (I think it is Platino??). Anyway the smoother
finished papers work better. Use dechlorinated water for washing because I had
problems with bleaching using tap water.
However, if you are going to go to the trouble and expense of making large
negatives, then why not do a Ziatype? Zia isn't any more expensive than argyrotype
and the tonal range is much better. Plus the contrast is easily controlled with
dichromate. A standard neg. (not high contrast) will work with the ziatype. With
Ziatype you have to do a little mixing of the individual chemicals but it isn't
difficult at all. Whether you do zia or argyrotype be sure to try a small neg first
to get some practice.
Best wishes,
Adam Kimball wrote:
> Hi all,
> A friend is interested (and actually, so am I!) in doing some large images from
> high-end digital negs (Scitex, etc) in an alt process. He doesn't want to do
> Pt/Pd because of the cost of the metals. So, I suggested he take a look at Mike
> Ware's website (URL below, for the search engine challenged) and read about the
> Argotype process. He, and I, are interested in giving it a go. However, I
> would first like to hear from anyone who has worked with this process, and can
> comment (for whatever it is worth) on the process and the results. So, if
> you've made an argotype or ten - send me some email. Offlist would be fine.
> Thanks-
> Adam
> http://www.mikeware.demon.co.uk/argy.html
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