Re: Experience with the Argotype?

Kevin O'Brien (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 19:53:03 +1300

I have been thinking of exactly the same thing. I can get scanning and
output film at a very modest price from a local bureau where I once used to
get my etching supplies. Having done an enormous amount of scanning in
recent months and corrections I know that all the masking for highlight and
shadow separation can be done in the computer and that the output may be
sharper than the original. What a way to make negs for printing out by

Kevin O'Brien

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Kimball <>
Date: Wednesday, 10 March 1999 08:20
Subject: Experience with the Argotype?

>Hi all,
>A friend is interested (and actually, so am I!) in doing some large images
>high-end digital negs (Scitex, etc) in an alt process. He doesn't want to
>Pt/Pd because of the cost of the metals. So, I suggested he take a look at
>Ware's website (URL below, for the search engine challenged) and read about
>Argotype process. He, and I, are interested in giving it a go. However, I
>would first like to hear from anyone who has worked with this process, and
>comment (for whatever it is worth) on the process and the results. So, if
>you've made an argotype or ten - send me some email. Offlist would be

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