Re: Crane's paper for Pt/Pd (fwd)

jewelia (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 11:55:43 -0800


i find your hypotheses as interesting as your facts, particularly since i
recognize that what one person thinks doesn't necessarily hold true for
another--in alternative process, art, and life. so i appreciate your
comments and see no way that your sharing your ideas can possibly harm me or
my work. But then i'm a confident artist i suppose. Darn, Andy--you get me
thinking...seems like an idea...

Thanks once again Andy for spurring creative alternative processing thoughts
in my poor little you have any more paper ideas...maybe i can find
the time to try out a few myself. I was thinking about those washi balloons
myself...have to get back to you with my hypotheticals when i imagine them.
thank you ever so much

my very warmest regards

jewelia Margueritta Cameroon

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