Ken Sinclair (
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:28:02 -0600
I still use both hard rubber half gallon tanks and trays.... but it all
depends on the number of sheets I have to process. However, for IR sheet or
any PMK processing I will use trys.
I made myself some PVC developing tubes not too long ago, but have found
that it is just as easy to use the old "tried and true".
If I had the funds, as well as the "need" I'd invest in a Wing-Lynch
rather than a Jobo. My experiences with the W-L for C-41, E-6 and a number
of B/W developers over a 10 year period leaves no doubt in my mind.
>With all the talk about Jobo, I am curious as to who here uses conventional
>trays for processing sheet film, or the tried and true Hard Rubber Deep
>Tanks, a rack and hangers.
[||/\/\/\/\/\/\|| Ken Sinclair RBP,FBPA
[|| ||-| Applied Photographic Services
[|| || | Lethbridge,
[|| || | Alberta, Canada,
[|| ||-| (403) 381-1654.
|__________________ |
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