Re: chrysotype

Pascal MIELE (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:50:13 +0100 (MET)

> hello all
> here I find in a french book (glafkide) a way to make gold picture .
> I don't try it but I would in the next week.
> I would be interest to know if someone ever try it.
> the solution is/
> water 80ml
> gold sodium chloride 10g
> water 50ml
> ferric oxalate 50g
> water 50ml
> potassium chlorate 50g
> tartric acid 50g
> you could obtain red violet tone by adding a 10 to 40 ml of a solution of
> SnCL2
> And it devellop in potassium oxalate
> and wash in usual clearing bath.
> regards
> NZe christian(france)

Hello Christian,

Glafkides not glafkide !

it's "Physique et chimie photographique" but the edition ? you have many
reprints with BIG changes to adapt the book.

before war you have many old processes (gum, platine...) in the 70's you
have color photography, xerography...

I hope you have an old one, a good one !!!
and I wish you the L.P. Clerc (the best old french photography book)


Pascal MIELE

PS : passe mon bonjour à la Salpé.

Pascal MIELE

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