Re: freestyle aristo film vs. ilford fp4 and hp5

Judy Seigel (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 21:19:34 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, William Laven wrote:

> Many on this list have been using Freestyle's Arista films, suspecting they
> were identical to Ilford's HP5 and FP4. Gordon Hutchings has a short
> confirmation of this based on some tests he did, including Pyro processing
> of course. His article is in the most recent issue of View Camera
> (March/April). The Arista offers a great price savings. Many of you are
> probably waiting for Arista to start "making" it in 12x20, eh?

I haven't looked at the Freestyle catalog lately, so maybe I'm off with
this -- but what do they call the "Arista" (and I think they're all with
an "a" not an "o", which is I think something else) continuous tone film,
which I gather is subject of this discussion.

I ask in case of possible confusion with the Arista *lith* film, which is
titled APH or APHS, in use by many of us for contone, also by Liam for his
reversal, Dave for his pos-neg, etc. I'm wondering if any of the platinum
mavens have done? It's EXTREMELY bargainful, and I note, comes in 20 by
24, which could be cut (if my higher math skills serve) into two 12 by


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