Re: Kallitype image invertion

Judy Seigel (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 02:29:52 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Jacques Augustowski wrote:

> Hi,
> Today one of my students was printing a Kallitype and developing in
> Rochelle salts. The image turned negative when immersed in the developer.
> I thought it could be a shift in polarization. When taken out of the
> developer the image was still negative. Putting it in the EDTA clearing
> bath didn't revert the situation. Only after fixing the image became
> positive. The safe light was a 15W tungsten bulb about three feet from de
> developer tray. Looking in my X-Files, I found no info.
> Jacques
Sounds like solarizing -- I've seen that with very heavy exposures of
cyanotype -- but it always (so far) darkens again on full treatment.

PS. Never used a safelight with any of them in coating *or* developing.
Just turn off the humongous overhead flourescent.


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