Re: Zia and Gold: Some observations

Cor Breukel (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:56:03 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Nze christian wrote:

> >( a ps: when I put the print face down in the clearing bath, small
> airbubbles start to form quickly on the back of the paper, and leave
> rapidly, could not detect them when turning the print around, probably
> they got released by the turning. Any idea why this is happening?
> <<<< thats normal all some paper react like that when the water is a little
> hot. Is your water hot?) my washing water is around 15 dC.., I had the feeling that the
airbubbles were formed by some kind of chemical reaction between the
paper and or the Zia emulsion and the Citric acid (30g/ltr).

> "The coating of this emulsion was much less smooth then
> without the Tween, but it give a slight but clear better/darker Dmax but
> only on the shortest dried test strip."
> <<<<<<try to put a drop of only 1% twenn. because gold make the solution
> more fluid and don't need as much tween as a lipd zia print.

..I noticed that the coating of an emulsion with gold coats much better
than without the Tween (in a regulair Zia I use Tween (2ul per 300ul)), so
I left it out, sacrificing a bit of Dmax maybe ..

> . "The grain only appeared in some parts of the sky, hardly
> noticeable and not at all distracting."
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<do you humidify your paper before coating , it could help to
> avoid the graininess.
..I did not do that, since the humidity was already 65%..try it next

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"

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