Re: Jed Devine prints

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:32:39 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, jewelia wrote:

> rice paper is a common term for washi--a japanese word commonly used to
> describe all papers made by eastern paper making methods/basts (fibers). i
> won't repeat all the details except say that from your description of its
> translucent character it sounds like a handmade kozo, gampi, or mitsu
> paper-- the tone can be affected by lots of factors besides the
> papers--developer & clearing bath used and sizing being main other ones.
> in what gallery, what city are the prints?
> jewelia Margueritta Cameroon

Hi jewelia, welcome back, we missed you.... The (beautiful) Jed Devine
print I saw (gift to a friend) was on Bienfang. This was some years ago &
there had been some trouble with Bienfang, the story went, but as near as
I can remember about a paper I will NEVER use (saving the remaining gray
cells), it was later fixed. Is that Bienfang type #360" ?


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