Paper for Oil Painting
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:53:40 -0500 (EST)

Hi, I am searching through my old files and found this formula (from Klaus
Pollmeier) for oil printing:

     - Prepare 140 ml of a 15% gelatin (Bloom Index >200) solution
     - add 14 ml of a 15% potato starch (dextrine) solution
     - while stirring, slowly add 14 ml of a hardener, made by mixing 6 ml
        of a 6% sol. of acetic acid and 8 ml of a 1% sol. of chrome alum.

I would like to try oil printing but have some questions:

Will food gelatin work? How much should I use?

Can corn starch be substituted in the above formula? Also, I assume it is
uncooked starch (rather than cooking into paste). Is this true?

Why does the gelatin need to be hardened? How can hardened gelatin work?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion / comment.

Dave S

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