Gordon J. Holtslander (holtsg@duke.usask.ca)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 11:13:08 -0600 (CST)
Just in case any one needs it, this is a site with guidance on what to do
if you have the melissa virus on your computer.
May I repeat Plese delete Alan Bradford's email message entitled
"Important Message From Alan Bradford"
It has an attatchment containing the melissa virus, executing this
attatchment may infect your computer with the virus.
List manager
Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
holtsg@duke.usask.ca 112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2
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