Re: virus help

Eugene Robkin (
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 13:30:21 -0600

Actually the Mellisa virus problem has absolutely nothing to do with
welcoming or not welcoming attachments on lists.

If you get an email, from any source, with the Mellisa virus and open the
attached doc, and if you have the right system, and if you have a list
address at the top of your emailer address book, then Mellisa will
automatically grab the first names from your email address book and send
the list copies of itself, including the attachements, before you can stop it.

Ordinary netiquette and other forms of proper behavior are not the issue.
Deliberate bad behavior by the Mellisa author(s) is the problem.


Luis Nadeau wrote:

>That is what you get when YOU WELCOME attachments on mailing lists. Luckily
>for me, I use Macs but right now Alan Bradford's
>( damn attachment is stuck on my ISP's
>mailserv and I can't remove it. The only way I can download my mail is by
>filtering everything above 50k in size, which means I can't get anything
>(legitimate) larger than 50k. I'll have to call my ISP and ask them AGAIN
>to manually remove the offending message off the mailserv. They just love
>PhotoGen and other lists have BOZO (I'd call them SUB-MORON) filters that
>prevent attachments from being circulated through mailing lists. Can't you
>install something similar?
>I suppose one way for me to avoid this would be to unsubscribe and simply
>read the archives from time to time.
>Luis Nadeau
>Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

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