melissa virus & macs

Gordon J. Holtslander (
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 09:54:33 -0600 (CST)


Hopefully this is the last thing I have to post about this virus.

People who use Macintosh's or PC's that do not have Microsoft outlook are
not completely immune from the effects of the melissa virus.

This is from CNET news,4,34405,00.html

quote ...

Though Melissa won't fully work on Windows computers without Outlook or on
Macintoshes, the virus still can lie dormant on those machines if a
user opens up a Melissa-infected Word file, Viveros said.

In that scenario, Melissa would infect the computer and the template
file Word uses to create new documents. If a new Word document then were
sent to Windows user who did have Outlook and Word, a new round of Melissa
mailings could result.

And this time, the file it would piggyback on would be the new Word
file instead of Melissa's original list of porn sites. That could be bad
if the new Word document were a payroll list, for example.

... end quote

I would recommend that everyone that opened the attatchment "list.doc"
in Alan Bradford's message "Important Message from Alan Bradford" should
update their virus defintions if they have a copy of microsoft word 97 or
2000 on their computer. Even if your computer is a mac.

If you read your email via telnet (ie pine) from a remote server you
can happily delete the message without worrying about anything :)

Gord Holtslander
List Manager

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