Charles Walters (
Thu, 01 Apr 1999 10:16:03 -0700
Based on the discussion below, could someone recommend point sources for
palladium printing digital negatives?
Thanks in advance.
Charles Walters
Darkroom Supervisor/
Photo Instructor
Colorado College Art Department
(719) 389-6369
FAX (719) 389-6882
> ----------
> From: Garet Denise
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, April 1, 1999 6:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Trials and Tribulations of the Digital Neg.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Fransman
> >If you image your films at a lower than optimal resolution such as Dan's
> >example for Lenswork and you really need all the graylevels, there's a
> >workaround. Offset printers do it all the time: multiple printing. Many
> >photographers apply split-printing in the darkroom but so few alt-people
> >do it (apart from gumprinters). You could go for multiple exposure or
> >even multiple coating and exposure.
> >
> snip
> >
> >Stochastic screens are nice compared to lowres screens (133-175) but
> >nothing beats a really fine screen for resolution and smooth tone
> >reproduction. You should also take into account the paper on which you're
> >working - no need to go finer than the paper can show...
> >
> >One more remark: when using digital negs, don't use the optical
> >lightbanks usually described in manuals. Only a point lightsource will do
> >- preferably a vacuum one.
> I'm very interested in buying an inkjet printer for making negatives for
> gum printing, and have often wondered about the ability of multiple
> printing (using different negatives) to smooth over the coarseness of a
> negative. Anyone tried it? Also, is the comment about a point light
> source directed at pt/pd printing only, or was this meant to apply to gum
> printing and others as well? I've already invested in a multiple tube
> light bank, and would rather not go through the hoops again.
> Garet Denise
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