Campos & Davis Photos (
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 10:26:23 +0100
The London Epsom agent just gave me a demonstration of the 900 with smaller
dots size, but I didn't see any difference in quality between it and the
Stylus EX we bought last year. It is slightly cheaper though.
Campos & Davis Photos
6 Cranbourne Road
London N10 2BT
Tel/Fax + 44 181 883 8638
> From: Mac Legrandi <>
> To:
> Subject: New Epson photo printers
> Date: Sunday, 04 April, 1999 4:52 AM
> Hello!
> I thought list members might be interested in new Epson Inkjet printers.
In the 6 color format Epson has the 750 that produces very small 6
picoliter drops (1440x720). That is a letter sized printer. It replaces the
700. What I'm interested in is the soon to be release 1200, which is the
11x17" version of the 750 out mid month in the US.
> For those prefering 4 color printers, Epson has the 900, with a 3
picoliter drop. This is the smallest of any inkjet printer (at least this
week). Reviews of all three printers comment on the fact the dots are
getting so small they are not visible with the naked eye.
> I have the older Epson photo, two generations behind. The quality of it's
images are great. So I can't wait to see what we can do with these new
printers. It appears Epson updates the printers quality every 6 months or
> Mac
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